Monday, April 25, 2011

WA Photography Auction


Many thanks to the organizers of WA
for letting us use your space and hang our flag!
↑koto player, Yumi Kurosawa
Many people were so kind to write messages of hope during the event.

↑One of the contributing photographers, Atsuko Tanaka.

See related articles here (sorry, link is in Japanese only).

Friday, April 22, 2011

Tomorrow's event (4/23) cancelled due to the rain.

明日(4/23土曜日)に予定されていたHope for Japanイベント第2弾ですが、大変残念ながら、雨の可能性が非常に高いため、中止とさせていただくことになりました。メッセージを書きに来ようと思ってくださっていた方々、申し訳ありません!近日中に改めて行う予定で、その日程もこちらのブログで広報させていただきますので、引き続きこのサイトをチェックしていただけたらと思います。どうぞよろしくお願いします。

Due to the high possibility of rain, we decided to postpone our second event tomorrow (4/23 Sat) for gathering messages for Japan. We are very sorry for those of you who were planning to visit the event. We will have another one soon, and will update the information on this blog, so please revisit to check the schedule. Thank you!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

4/23@ Washington Square Park

日本へSeed of Hopeをお届けするためのイベント第二弾です。 


We have decided a second event for delivering a seed of hope to Japan! This time, we would like to gather messages especially for the elderly and children, who are recovering from the earthquake and tsunami. As spring is here, in addition to warm messages and drawings, we would also like to gather "Haiku" messages to share a bit of seasonal love.

場所:ワシントンスクエアパーク NYC

Date and Time: April 23, 2011 11am-4pm
(Please check this blog for rain date!!)
Location: Washington Square Park, NYC
Please come and joins us!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Global Pechakucha Night- Inspire Japan

昨晩、NYソーホーにあるTOTOギャラリーにて、Global Pechakucha Night - Inspire Japanが行われました。Pechakucha Night(ペチャクチャナイト)とは、クリエイティブな活動をしている人たちがそれぞれの考えやプロジェクトを共有する、カジュアルな楽しい集いです。昨日のGlobal Pechakucha Nightは、日本の震災復興を支援するためのプロジェクトやアイディアにフォーカスしたもので、60以上の都市で同時に行われました。私たちもHope for Japanの活動についてこの場でプレゼンし、日本のために集まった温かいメッセージを会場の皆さんに紹介しました。

Global Pechakucha Night - Inspire Japan was held in TOTO gallery in NY last night. Pechakucha night is an informal and fun gathering where creative people come together and share their ideas, works and thoughts. This 4/16 Global Pechakucha Night focused on recovery of Japan from the earthquake and tusnami, with more than 60 cities holding this event at the same day. We presented there about Hope for Japan and introduced to the visitors the warm messages that have been gathered for Japan.


Nearly 150 people came to this event. 
Our flag of hope was displayed in the front wall next to the presentation screen!

Hope for Japanの活動についてプレゼン中。

Mio made a presentation about our project.


We created a message station at this event, and many of the visitors left with thoughtful and inspiring messages!

Monday, April 11, 2011

So that many eyes can see and know our "Seed of Hope"

坂本龍一さんらが出演する東日本大震災の被災者支援のためのチャリティーコンサート「CONCERT FOR JAPAN」が、昨日4月9日にジャパン・ソサエティーで開かれました。 ジャパン・ソサエティーのスタッフの方々によるご協力で、1階奥にある「J-Lounge」の壁一面に、私達 HOPE FOR JAPAN のメンバーで先週縫い上げた応援メッセージの大きな旗を展示していただくことがきました。カラフルな色で一つ一つ縫い上げた140ほどのメッセージは、先月19日にユニオンスクエアに集まってくださった皆さんに書いていただいたものです。

The flag of hope that we sewed together last month was displayed at the special event, “Concert for Japan” at the Japan Society on April 9, which was highlighted by the performance of musician Ryuichi Sakamoto. Our flag decorated the wall in the J-Lounge of the Japan Society, catching the attention of many visitors that day. The flag consisted of about 140 messages that all of you wrote on pieces of cloth at Union Square on March 19. There was much traffic, and many people stopped to read each of the messages. We were so happy that this flag was witnessed by the people of New York before it is sent, with prayers, to the affected areas of Japan. The performing musicians even had their press conference in front of it, giving the flag an added exposure in TV programs in Japan!
遠く離れたここNYでも、家族や友達を案じて毎日心配の日々が続いたこの一ヶ月。皆さんの思いがこもったこの旗を、東北の被災地に送る前にNY市民の皆さんに見ていただくことができました。コンサート前には家族連れを含め、たくさんの方が立ち止まり一つ一つのメッセージに目を通してくれて、とてもうれしかったです!! 音楽家の皆さんのTVインタビューはこの旗の前で行われ、また違う形で日本の皆さんにもお目にかかることができました。

被災地に直接届く応援メッセージ「Seed of Hope」第二弾は4月23日(土)ワシントンスクエアパークで行われます。前回いらしていただいた皆さん、絵のお好きなお子さんをお持ちのお母さんお父さん、ふるさとを共に思うカップルの皆さん、e-mailでは伝えられない思いをあなたの絵と言葉で表してみませんか?皆さんにお会いできるのを楽しみにしております。

With the success of "Seed of Hope" #1, we have decided to start "Seed of Hope" #2. We will be collecting your messages (poems and pictures) on pieces of cloth on April 23 at Washington Square Park, 11am-4pm. More info is on our "upcoming events" post. Please keep contributing and sharing your prayers and words of hope so that we can deliver them to the victims  in Japan. Moms, dads, children who like to draw, couples, siblings, friends....anyone who cares about the people of Japan, please come join us!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Flag of Hope with Ryuichi Sakamoto!

(It might take a minute to download the video)

4/9のジャパンソサエティーでの被災者支援コンサート。坂本龍一さんのインタビューの背景にあるのは、皆さんのメッセージを縫い合わせた、Hope for Japanの旗です!また、コンサート当日の様子をアップしますね。

"Concert for Japan" at the Japan Society-  Hope for Japan's Flag of Hope is behind Ryuichi Sakamoto while his interview!  We will update about yesterday soon!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Hope for Japan “Seed of Hope” 2nd Event



Date and Time: April 23, 2011 11am-4pm
Location: Washington Square Park, NYC
Please come and joins us!

Please Like our Facebook page!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Our Flag of Hope will be displayed at the Japan Society during their special concerts tomorrow (4/9)!



The flag of hope that we sewed together last week will be displayed during the special event, “Concert for Japan” at the Japan Society (4/9 Sat)!  Please find it at the “J-Lounge” on the first floor.  Please tell your friends!
It is open from 11am to 11pm, and most of the concerts are for free. (Entry to the place is $5)

The photographs we took at the Union Square will be projected between 7 concerts, and will be broadcasted via Ustream!

333 East 47th Street New York, NY 10017

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sewing Day #2

先週土曜日はSewing Day第2弾、みなさんからいただいたメッセージをつなぎあわせて、ひとつの大きな旗が完成しました。一人一人の言葉や絵が織りあわさって、彩り豊かな、希望の種ができあがりました。どうもありがとうございました!この旗はNY岩手県人会を通して、岩手の被災者のもとへ届けられる予定です。その詳細もまたこの場でご報告させていただきます。まずはできたてほやほやをご覧ください!

Sewing day 2: We finally completed our big flag of hopeful messages. Each message and drawing from you has been sewn together to make one seed of hope. Thank you all so much! This flag is planned to be sent to shelters and temporary homes in Iwate prefecture, a region that was hit hard by the earthquake and tsunami. More details on its delivery will come as it happens. But for now, we wanted to share this milestone with you!